The definite article in Spanish is similar to that in other Romance languages. There is a corresponding article in the singular as well as in the plural. This also differs…
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The definite article in Portuguese
The definite article in Portuguese differs in singular and plural as well as in masculine and feminine nouns. In addition, the ending of the noun can change.
The definite article in Italian
In Italian – just like in other languages – there is a definite article. This exists in the singular as well as in the plural and also differs in masculine…
The definite article in German
The definite article in German exists in three different types: masculine, feminine and neuter.
The definite article in French
The definite article in French gives you a headache? Don’t worry, because that’s over now! Just like in other languages, the definite article exists in both the singular and the…
The definite article in English
The definite article in English is – compared to other languages – very simple because there is only one: the.